Move away from the stack of books you slowly acquired ever since you first had the thought that you might want to write fiction. (Spoiler alert: all those books pretty much all say the same thing. They are as repetitive as magazines about how to swing a golf club. Or how to diet.)
The Perfect Writerly Advice … by Julie Kazimer
This post was previously published on August 27, 2013 For the last week I’ve racked my brain to come up with a blog post for the ages, one which will be sheared into the mind of every reader. In the end I think I tore something vital, and finally came up with a post worthy…
Managing Writer Stress–Breathing … by Kerry Schafer
This post was originally published on August 21, 2013 The writing life is hard. Don’t get me wrong – I love to write, and I’m full of gratitude every day that I’m lucky enough to be a writer. Well, okay most days I’m grateful. There are times when I want to shout “what did I…
Getting Physical: Ways to Make Your Characters Come Alive … by Lori DeBoer
This post was originally published on September 12, 2013 Whether you write genre or literary fiction, you must be able to bring your characters to life. When characters are first conceived, they invariably seem a little wooden, too recognizable as constructs of the author’s imagination. The people that populate your stories need room to grow;…
Writing is an Act of Love … by Nicole Disney
This post was originally published on October 23, 2013 When I first decided it would be fun to try blogging, I had this vision of myself creating ten, twenty, even thirty posts. They were going to be stacked tight and aligned like a fresh ream of paper, somehow undisturbed by any of my three wall-vaulting…