By Sean Curley IPAL is the Independently Published Author’s List within the Rocky Mountain Fiction Writers organization. Similar to PAL (the Published Author’s List), it is meant to be a cohesive group of people who have successfully published at least one book independently. As we all know, the publishing industry has changed a great deal…
Talk to the Paw: Teamwork
by Karen Duvall The holidays are upon us and most people decorate their homes for Christmas. I used to when my kids still lived with us, but not anymore. Want to know why? It may come as no surprise that my four rambunctious pets would annihilate any attempt at having a Christmas tree. I don’t…
A Few Reasons to Write Short Stories
By Lori DeBoer It’s official: Rocky Mountain Fiction Writers now welcomes writers of short fiction into its fold. Since I am noodling away on a collection of short stories, a few of which have been finalists for awards or been published, I felt relieved to be able to come out of the 10,000-words-and-fewer closet, so…
Writers Are Artists Too!
When I was a beginning writer, lo these many moons ago, I applied for and received a Fellowship and Residency from the Ucross Foundation. This was a huge thing for me. For the Residency, I spent two weeks with a private room and a vast studio with no clocks and people there to feed me….
A Very Happy Query Days!
By Julie Kazimer *Keep reading for a very special holiday gift from me to you! No skipping ahead or you’ll be on the naughty list. Oh, the holidays. Goodwill toward our fellow man. Gingerbread houses. A half-finished novel left over from NaNoWriMo. And of course, the dreaded New Year’s Resolution. I bet I know what…