By Nicole Disney When I was in high school, I was struggling with the difference between genre fiction and literary fiction. Today, I know it is a distinction even the pros can sometimes find difficult to define. A teacher of mine told me that genre fiction is intended to entertainment, while literary fiction should challenge…
RMFW Spotlight: Bree Ervin
The RMFW Spotlight feature will introduce a few of our RMFW officers and volunteers. We started out with the board of directors, sat them in the hot seat, shined the bright light on them, and channeling our best inner Oprah, plugged them with a few questions. Here’s what we learned from Rocky Mountain Fiction Writers…
Talk to the Paw: Toys!
By Karen Duvall If you walked into my house today you’d think I had kids still living at home. There are toys everywhere. Stuffed toys, plastic toys, balls… and lots of indescribable detritus that I wouldn’t label as toys but my pets would. On second thought I guess I do have kids, they’re just covered…
Pushing Through The Middle: Tips for the NaNoWriMo Crowd and Other First Drafters
by Lori DeBoer If you are hitting your daily word count (about 1,666) for National Novel Writing Month, by the time this post is published you’ll be nearly about halfway through your 50,000-word goal and sailing into the middle stretch of your novel. This is where the story gets complicated. The middle passage is the…
Easy Steps to Polish That Draft!
by Jeffe Kennedy November 1st signaled the start of a month of intense novel writing for many people: the onset of NaNoWriMo, or National Novel Writing Month. For me, it was Deadline Day for the second book in my Twelve Kingdoms trilogy. I pulled it tighter than I’d like. I finished the draft by mid-September…