By Mike Befeler I’ve been to every RMFW Gold Conference since 2002. The first year I went, I had no clue what I was doing. A writing friend had suggested the conference, so I decided to give it a shot. She was the only person I knew at the conference. I had started writing in…
Talk to the Paw: Being Helpful
I have conversations with all my pets on a regular basis. They’re great listeners, especially when you need to read your work aloud to an attentive audience that will cheer you on. Well, maybe not so much cheering as yawning, ear scratching, grooming, barking… And if they could respond, I have a fairly good idea…
Knock Your Pitch Out of the Park!
By Susan Spann Since I’m doctoring pitches one-on-one at the Colorado Gold Conference in September, it seemed natural to start my posting here on the RMFW blog by looking at pitch construction. I’ve got two guest posts between now and Colorado Gold, so here’s Part 1 of a 2-part series on “How to Build a…
Why You *Really* Should Finish that Book
I’m taking a page from Mike Befeler, and introducing myself, since this is also my first post on the RMFW blog! I’m Jeffe Kennedy and fairly new to RMFW, though I did attend the Colorado Gold conference a number of years ago. It’s kind of a funny (read: cringeworthy) story. I attended at the urging…
Follow the Yellow Brick Road, and Make a Left: The Journey through Publication
By Julie Kazimer Recently a friend complained of how long it took him to finally have success as an author. In his view, success meant a third book release in a year, signing with an agent, and good sales numbers and lots of press attention. Not a bad way to define success at all. I…