There are so many things about your writing career you can’t control, but there’s one big one that you can—your author photo. As soon as you declare yourself a writer, you’ll get asked for it. You’ll upload it to your author website. You’ll splash it across your social media platforms. It’ll be printed on your…
Introducing the 2020 RMFW Anthology
It’s finally here! Publication day for RMFW’s 2020 anthology, WILD!!! After working on this project for two years, Natasha Watts and I are thrilled to share these 14 stories with the world—and especially with you, our fellow members, who make RMFW and its publications possible. We’re so grateful to have gotten the chance to read 78…
Trying to do Marketing all by Yourself Pt. 2
Welcome back to my three-part series on do-it-yourself book marketing. Today we do the heavy lifting of getting those emails. I want to be brutally honest with you, though. There are no shortcuts to getting a good email list. It may be slow. Before we begin, however, I want to talk about being of service…
Turning a Short Story into a Novel
I have quite the corral of short stories with word counts ranging from 1,500 to 10,000. Some of my friends have suggested I expand a few of my stories to 70,000 or even 90,000 words. In other words, turn the stories into novels. At first this sounds like a great prospect because a novel has…
Being Brave
When I tell people I’m a writer, they are often impressed I can put the words together to write a whole book. Or, amazed I can create characters and come up with plots. But they don’t realize how brave I am. How bold and daring. Because that is a huge part of being a writer….