TH Leatherman

Crime only pays, if you’re the top dog...
Mark is in trouble. His ship has been destroyed. Many of his friends are dead. He’s stranded on a planet controlled by vicious gangsters and he has a crew looking to him for the answers.
Perhaps if he was dealing with just one crime family, he could manage it, but several crime families have made him offers he can’t refuse. Accepting any of their deals means making an enemy of the other syndicates. They all want a piece of him, and there isn’t enough Mark to go around.
He's a pawn in a high stakes game. One false move and his quest to save his father will meet a grizzly end.
Mark and his crew will have to navigate corruption, murder, and betrayal if they ever hope to regain the stars and every moment his father is in Erethizon hands, the more he’ll be brainwashed into being a puppet for the evil empire.