This is for all of you who submitted to Gold. Who have signed up for critique roundtables, pitches, one-on-ones. Or who just plan to come to Colorado Gold – or any other writer’s conference or contest. The reason I say congratulations is that you’ve taken the HUGE step of saying, OUT LOUD AND PROUD, that…
Category: Blog
Blurry Vision Syndrome and Choosing
Okay, so there’s most likely—just spitballing—over one-hundred and sixty of us that didn’t final in the Colorado Gold contest. (Isn’t that just a bother!) Shocked? Pride wounded? In the depths of disagreement? Lost yourself in darkness, even though, well, it’s not dark? Confounded? Downright mad? Everything is blurry—including your future? You’ve got it—Blurry Vision Syndrome….
A Basic Guide to Flash Fiction
A few years ago, I hit writer’s block. I was halfway through writing my first novel and I was stuck. I needed a side project, something to give my brain a break from my work-in-progress but keep me on track with my writing habits. This was when I discovered flash fiction. Flash fiction is an…
A Few Notes On Discoverability
Discoverability is one of those newish buzzwords that tries to describe the process by which a reader finds a book to read. It’s a subject I’ve thought a lot about and one that keeps coming back to haunt authors. It’s Not The Book The problem with the generally accepted view of discoverability is that the…
How to prepare for the Colorado Gold Conference
The Colorado Gold Conference is coming up next month. I know I look forward to this event all year long. Seeing my fellow writers, gabbing about the previous year and celebrating my friends’ publications are all things I do at the Gold. I also take classes, eat way too much and bar con after dinner…