Everything in the city was clammy, doorknobs and train handrails slick with other people’s sweat, the air heavy with the smell of yesterday’s lunch. If that isn’t enough from page one of Sara Novic’s debut novel, Girl at War, perhaps sentences from page two will prick your writer self: We took cold showers and walked…
Category: Blog
It’s December again, and the world needs your novel
Wow. It is December, 2017. Another year ends. Time for reflection! I could do the standard New Year’s resolutions thing, or I could do the standard reflect on all the good in your life thing, too. I’m not sure I want to do that. What to talk about? OK, let’s talk about my favorite virtue!…
Writing Romance: Crossing into Act Two
Welcome, Campers. Last month we approached the turning point that launches our duo into Act Two. By the end of Act One, your characters will likely have stated – either in their heads or actually out loud – that they want nothing to do with the other, nothing to do with a relationship with the…
Sharing is Caring this Holiday Season: SO SHARE WITH ME!
Since the blog will be going on vacation over the holidays, from Dec 23rd to Jan 8th, I’d like to use my post today to thank you all. Our RMFW blog readers are a special group. Along with those bloggers. You all are the BEST of what RMFW has to offer. Good friends who understand…
Step Right Up
“Hurry, hurry, hurry! Step right up! The show’s about to begin! For the price of one thin dime see wonders beyond imagining. Sales beyond your wildest dreams and begin earning good money right out of the box! Hurry, hurry, hurry.” Yeah. No. P.T Barnum gets the credit for “There’s a sucker born every minute” but…