When critiquing the work of colleagues, whether in a critique group or just between friends, the hardest thing is when it’s a topic, genre or style you don’t normally enjoy reading in your leisure time. It isn’t often spoken about, but it’s true. It can sometimes be an interminable slog to try to read and…
Category: Blog
Independence Day
I grew up in Lincoln, Massachusetts. The first house where we lived happened to be on the same road that Paul Revere followed on his famous ride. My parents used to wake us up on April 19 to watch the re-enactment of the ride. It was late, but I’m not sure if it was midnight….
How Do Online Classes Work?
The answer to this question always makes me smile because I want the first answer to be, “Easily! Seamlessly.” Except, if you’re nervous about a new technology, there may be nothing easy about an online class. At least, at first. Online classes are a way of taking a class at the times of day or…
KINDLE GIVEAWAY Announcement by WOTY/iWOTY Finalists, 2 Days Left
As a group we are doing a kindle/ebooks giveaway. There will be at least one (I’m doing three) book from each WOTY/iWOTY finalist on the kindle. String attached: You sign up for our newsletters. Here’s the contest entry site: https://www.rafflecopter.com/rafl/display/4776d9a027/?widget_template=592ee685127b48230e9b5f9e
How the Heck do you come up with your ideas?
Have you ever been asked that? Bet you have. Bet we all have. The answers to the question are as varied as the ways we DO come up with our ideas. My book An Unsinkable Love came from an open call from a small publisher. A friend in a critique group was editing for them…