Welcome back, Campers. This month we’ll look at three other types of romance heroes: the Delta, the Theta, and the Beta heroes. (And how about those Oxford commas!) The Delta – the dark and dangerous. His past is so dark, so damaging, and combines with such a darker temperament that he exiles himself from society…
Category: Blog
Listening to the Universe
About a year ago, my agent and I tried to sell a 65k fairytale-pun-ie mystery. We didn’t even get a request for a full. Ouch, right? *Admittedly (or so I don’t start crying at the lack of requests), it wasn’t a project either of us was pushing. It went out to a handful of editors…
Deep Work
This topic was suggested by Patricia Stolty, who recently stepped down as our blog administrator after years of hard work and dedication. She will be missed, but is moving on to focus on her own writing, so good luck Pat! One of the challenges writers face, especially those just starting to focus on their writing…
Let It Percolate!
Let it Percolate! Stephanie Reisner It’s happened to all of us. We’re someplace horribly inconvenient and a great idea pops into our heads. We do our best to record that inspirational thought for later when we have time to sit down and write. Then, when we show up at the computer to type it all up,…
Completely Annihilated
No, “completely annihilated” does not mean this a column about drinking. This is about something Mario Vargas Llosa once said. Okay, I’ll back up. Last week I had a cool opportunity in New York to moderate a panel at the Edgar Symposium. This is a day-long event prior to the Edgar Awards, the annual prizes…