Puffy white cyber-sites feed creativity Ah, spring—longer days, warmer temperatures. I strive to invest my BICHOK (butt-in-chair-hands-on-keyboard) time daily, but there are times my brain wants to get off the gerbil wheel of word quotas and plots and marketing, and put in some time just staring at the clouds. There are “clouds” of sorts on…
Category: Blog
Master Classes and Special NLA Story Clinic at Colorado Gold
Greetings from Conference HQ! We’re putting the final polish on the brochure and at-a-glance (AAG) schedule and will have that online very soon. But until then, feast your eyes on the Friday Master Class offerings we have for you this year! In addition to our fabulous master classes, we are very excited to offer a…
To Progress, Sometimes You Must Retreat
Two weeks ago, I had the opportunity to attend (and teach at) the Rocky Mountain Fiction Writers’ 2017 Writing Retreat in Colorado Springs. The retreat took place at the lovely Franciscan Retreat Center, a beautiful, serene location surrounded by mountains and inhabited by lots of fuzzy deer. The attendees, fellow presenters Anita Mumm and Susie…
Welcome to the Golden Age of Audiobooks … by Richard Rieman
Audiobooks are the fastest growing medium in publishing. How far have audiobooks come? The first audiobooks were called “Talking Books” and were created in the 1930s for people with visual disabilities in America and Britain. This group included war-blinded soldiers and blind civilians who couldn’t read braille. It was illegal for sighted persons to listen…
True Confessions of a Midlist Writer
Okay, so, you know how everyone asks you “where do you get your ideas?” And you know how most writers say they have more ideas than they have time to write? Not! At least not me. Sure, I have things I know I want to write, but I also have: #1 – Fear of Commitment…