When it comes to sales and promotion, DIY is not necessarily the best solution. It’s much easier to promote somebody else’s book than it is your own. It’s also less likely to get you tossed in the spam hamper with Nigerian Princes and <Body Part> Enlargement Salesmen. For this, you need allies. Allies you can…
Category: Blog
When Scouting Goes Live
On September 23, I finished yutzing around with my Scout entry and uploaded it. The campaign is now underway, ending on October 23. How are things going? I have no idea… But I’m learning a lot. One of the things I’ve learned is to ask for votes everywhere! So please! If you’ve enjoyed this series…
What Makes a Romance Novel a Romance Novel
Before we get too far in the tips and how-to’s of writing romance, we should define romance as a genre. Over the years, romance has gotten a bad rap. In the early days of the romance novel – in the days of Kathleen Woodiwiss and Rosemary Rogers – there were books that, by today’s standards,…
Current Climate in Publishing: The Sky Didn’t Fall, So Now What?
After the recent Colorado Gold Conference, I found myself wondering about indie/self-publishing and traditional publishing. When I joined my first Gold Conference back in 2008, I/S publishing was the DEVIL. No, really, like the actual end of the world four to five horsemen. (I first typed horsemint, which is, according to word, any various coarse…
Announcing our 2017 Colorado Gold Keynote Speakers!
As embers of 2016 Colorado Gold Conference cool and the ashes are brushed away and collected in the bin, I find it’s hard to get back to everyday life. Time with our tribe ignites the flames of creativity and comradeship, reminds us that we are part a larger whole, and—if we’re lucky—fuels us until the next…