Category: Blog
Googly-Eyes and the Writing Life
Once upon a time, I taught cartooning and storybook illustration to elementary school children. At our first class meeting, I came prepared with a variety of fruits, vegetables, and inanimate objects like a stapler, a bottle, and a cup. I lined these objects up on a raised box and invited the children to tell me…
How Genre Can Drive Your Book’s Success
It’s a common lament among writers: Why is genre important? Can’t I just write whatever I want and let the marketplace figure out how to classify it? Or perhaps: My work is a mix of genres. I don’t want to be pinned down. I like to mix it up. Let’s look at why genre is…
Trying NaNoWriMo, Again
I would very much like to finish, edit, and publish a novel in the coming year. In between writing and publishing flash stories, short stories, creative nonfiction, and teaching modules, I’ve been working on two novel-length stories. Truth be told, ‘working on them’ is a misnomer as I have continued to edit or expound upon…
How (and Why) to Give an Author Reading – by Rachel Delaney Craft
Last year, I had an opportunity to read my work aloud at the book launch for Bizarre Bazaar, RMFW’s 2022 anthology. I was an accomplished public speaker before the pandemic, but after two years of nothing but Zoom events, I felt a little rusty. This experience forced me to relearn how to read my work…