It’s easy to start a book. Here’s a clue (4 little words): Once Upon A Time… The hard part comes when you finally type (2 little words): The End. In my fantasies, I end the book accompanied by a majestic choir rising from a cloud and singing hallelujah while critics, fraught with anticipation, rush to…
Category: Blog
Getting to Know You: The RMFW Member Q&A Project
The Getting to Know You Project is intended to introduce RMFW members with short responses to three questions, a photo, and a few social media links if available. If you would like to participate in the project for future months, please email Pat Stoltey at F.P. (Frank) Dorchak Website/blog: Runnin Off at the Mouth:…
Feeling Cozy: Avoiding F-Bombs & You
I’m a big fan of f-words. Though I try to limit the number of them, both in my books as well as in real life. F-words have power. Even if you don’t use them, you must understand the beauty of a great insult. Or a stream of f-words blurted when one stubs a toe. I…
Airing my own dirty laundry: a writer’s Black Moments
Writers understand black moments. They’re our bread and butter and appear in every novel. First we establish our protagonists’ worse fears, then we throw rocks at them, pushing them toward their nightmares. From the first pages we frustrate, annoy and confound them. With slightly dysfunctional glee, we deepen their problems. With Donald Maass’s voice ringing wickedly in…
The Value of a Compliment
So. Here we are, six months into the “New Year.” How are your writing resolutions going? Are you getting 2,000, or 10,000, or whatever daily word counts you aspired to complete? Me either. Have you finished that first novel and started in on your second? I’m right with you on missing that one too. In…