A while back I helped a colleague self-publish his books so he could proudly place all six of them on the bookshelves of friends and family. We had already self-published these historical books for the digital market, but – like most authors – he wanted to own and distribute a number of physical copies. He…
Category: Blog
Do You Need The Perfect Writing Spot?
When I close my eyes and envision the perfect writing spot, it’s akin to the most majestic library. Shelves with stacks of books enclosing me with their scent, their very presence pushing me to greatness. Tall windows that bring in just the right amount of light in front of large comfy chairs. A wooden desk…
Understanding the Assignment
Think back to the last time you sat down to write and the words simply wouldn’t come. Maybe it was your mood, or the surrounding circumstances: poor lighting, dreadful coffee shop tunes, or a pet/child/partner demanding attention. Perhaps a prompt left you uninspired, or a looming deadline paralyzed your imagination. Whatever the cause, as writers,…
The River and the Rocks
Which came first, the river or the rocks? In the case of the natural stone stairway which leads from the shore of Surface Creek to our manicured lawn, the river existed first. Think of the flowing river as the context of a written story. Think of the rocks as the story. In my accompanying photo,…
From Sidekick to Scene-Stealer: Making Your Secondary Characters Memorable
When crafting a novel, it’s easy to focus primarily on the development of the protagonist and the primary characters. But remember, your protagonist does not live in isolation. The true mark of a skilled writer lies in their ability to breathe life into secondary characters as well—and in fact, these are sometimes the characters who…