Around lunchtime, in the year 79 of the Christian Era, on the coast of what is now modern-day Italy, a once-dormant volcano rumbled. Ash rained down on the first day as residents of the nearby city of Pompeii gathered their belongings and debated whether to leave or stay. A day later, Mount Vesuvius erupted in…
Category: Blog
From Clash to Catharsis: The Role of Conflict in Novel-Writing
One of the first tenets of successful novel writing is that without conflict, you’ve got no story. Conflict is what keeps the reader turning pages. Without it, your story comes to a halt while you clear your throat, meander around aimlessly, and stare at the wall. In his craft book Conflict and Suspense, author James…
10 Tips for Writing a Boring Story
A friend recently confessed that she was bored by a book she had read for a book club. Having just slogged through the same book myself, I agreed completely. As I writer, I knew exactly why the book didn’t work for me. But the woman I was chatting with couldn’t articulate why she hated the…
Happy Independent Bookstore Day!
For the past few years, my family and I have celebrated Independent Bookstore Day (coming up on April 29th) with a bookstore crawl. Each year, we try to incorporate a new (to us) bookshop amongst our favorites. Sadly, this year we’ll miss out on visiting a former favorite, BookBar, as it closed this past January….
Six Fun Ways to Amp Up Your Creativity
Feeling like you’re in a creative rut when it comes to brainstorming new ideas for your next novel or short story? Have you been staring at a blank screen for fifteen minutes, struggling to come up with a fresh and unique story concept? It may be time to think outside the box, to shake up…