By Mark Stevens You brush your teeth. You comb your hair. You make a pot of coffee. You’re on auto pilot, right? Not much brainpower required. Your head is busy elsewhere, thinking ahead. Or something. You sit down to write. Man oh man, that first sentence of your new bestseller is going to be carved…
Category: Blog
The RMFW Spotlight is on Saytchyn Maddux-Creech, Membership Chair
The first Monday of the month the RMFW Blog features one of the members of the board of directors or a volunteer. This month Saytchyn Maddux-Creech has agreed to answer our questions. We hope this helps members and potential members get acquainted with the incredible folks who keep Rocky Mountain Fiction Writers going and growing….
I Hate Writing to Prompts, But Just This One Time….
By Patricia Stoltey I hate writing to prompts. And I’ve been writing short stories for years without much luck getting published. So when I had an opportunity to submit to an anthology of retold folk tales, in a genre I never write, I almost passed up the chance. Then my sense of adventure kicked in…not…
6 Best Marketing Tips for Authors
By Heather Webb All authors are looking for that magic marketing formula. How much money should we spend on ads? What should our websites look like? How much time should we spend on social media? How do we distinguish ourselves amidst all of the white noise? But these are the wrong questions. The best way…
Different Voices Create a Beautiful Blog
By Patricia Stoltey I feel like someone pulled me through a knothole backwards. I took a little time off last week and went to visit family in Illinois. And I went unplugged for five days. The five days was great. Now I’m suffering the consequences. My To Do list is so long I’m as jumpy…