Arturo Garcia is the winner of three books, including Long Live the Suicide King Congratulations to Arturo and many thanks to Aaron Michael Ritchey whose post The Second Book is Like Sex appeared here on April 29th
Category: Blog
THE SALE: Then and Now
Today, my book will be available until… who knows. Unless there’s some internet catastrophe and/or the world ends, my story will be out there indefinitely. On the other hand, every ebook is like that, so in a few years, there will be millions and millions of them available. How do you stand out or get noticed in those circumstances?
Getting in Bed with Your Co-Writer: The Art of Collaborative Writing (Part Two)
Duo-writing isn’t for everyone, but one clear advantage should be obvious – two heads mean two sets of experiences. It also means two sets of critical eyes because we each bring to the “Writing Bed” individual strengths that mitigate the individual weaknesses.
By Jeanne Stein Recently I was asked to talk about what inspires me as a writer and a person. My first automatic response was everything. But then I realized I might be confusing inspiration with the process of creation—-taking an idea and developing it into a story. Two different things. The muse that sparks an…
The Second Book is Like Sex … by Aaron Michael Ritchey
My first time with actual sex was a disaster. I won’t go into details, but let’s just say no one, not the warmest, fuzziest romance writer nor the sleaziest porn producer could capture the tragi-comedy of my first sexual experience. But I’d like to think I got better with the whole sex thing. I did it right at least twice: both the sex thing and the book thing.