By Pamela Nowak I feel as if I fell down a rabbit hole. But instead of Tweedle Dumb and Tweedle Dee, I encountered a score of similarly-dressed fiction sub-genres. They were nearly identical. Here and there, one had a sash or hat or tie or button that was a different color. Looking closely, I could see…
Category: Blog
The winner of a copy of Season of Evil, Season of Dreams
Congratulations to Amy Gregg who won a copy of Season of Evil, Season of Dreams by Jan Weeks because she visited Jan’s guest blog post and left a comment. Amy is also an author and can be found on Facebook.
I Could Have Lost Everything
A couple of weeks ago, I woke up and started my usual routine of preparing for work. I work at home so I have a short commute to my office: down the hall, take a left at the entryway, and an immediate right through a set of double doors. It was a gray morning, typical…
No Need to Bleed: Painless Ways to Breach the Blank Page
By Lori DeBoer “It is easy to write. Just sit in front of your typewriter and bleed.” Ernest Hemingway likely wasn’t recommending that one literally open a vein. I think. Besides being dark and witty, this quote keeps coming back in different forms, attributed to disparate authors, because for most of us wordsmiths, it speaks…
Work Management
I started off my February post here by mentioning I’d been busy lately. In fact, I had to check because I started off this post in almost the exact same way. Oops. However, it’s less me running in the same rut than that things haven’t really let up yet. Happily, last Friday I finished the…