This week we are pleased to feature Vicki Law. If you’ve been around RMFW for any amount of time, you will recognize Vicki by her cheerful countenance and amazing, active involvement with RMFW including the annual Colorado Gold conference. As if that’s not enough, Vicki is also responsible for pulling together the Western Slope contingency….
Category: Blog
Viewing the World as a Writer
By Sean Curley As part of my efforts to publish a professional-level book independently, I went back to school at the University of Denver for a graduate degree in Creative Writing. One of the concepts school tried to teach me was to view the world as a writer. I didn’t understand that for a long…
Do You Know How to Juggle … Contracts?
By Susan Spann Last week, someone asked me if I’d ever written a post about the legalities of contracting with multiple publishers (or publishers and others) for various forms and formats of the same creative work. In simpler language: “What do I need to know before I license print rights to one publisher and then…
What, Precisely, Are Your Intentions?
By Kerry Schafer Setting Yourself Up For Failure I’m not a big fan of New Year’s Resolutions. More often than not, I think they set us up for failure rather than success. Some of us start out great with whatever it is we’ve decided to do: write 2000 words a day, go to the gym…
A New Year: A New Writerly You
By J.A. (Julie) Kazimer Yeah, yeah, January 1st was thirteen days ago. Get over it already, you’re probably saying to yourself, or a busload of captive passengers, who, by now are looking at you a little strange. Yes it was. But just because half of our resolutions are already ripped apart, most by January 3rd…