When it comes to the concept of head-hopping, I have a cartoonist’s advantage. Working in multiple panels, I can draw two characters, provide an accumulating dialogue as the story advances one panel at a time, and supply my characters with exaggerated facial expressions and body language to communicate outward emotions and inner thoughts. I can…
Category: Blog
How to Win Friends and Influencers
This the hardest blog post I’ve ever had to write. Not because I don’t have friends or anything. I have friends, okay? What I don’t have are two functioning hands with which to type. A bluebird day. My husband and I would usually ease into skiing with an intermediate run or two before tackling one…
Naming Your Baby
You finally type those final two words – THE END – and sit back in your chair, put your hands behind your head, and let out a deep sigh. The manuscript is done. You’ve revised the plot, you’ve deepened the characters, you’ve proofread each line and corrected the typos and the dangling participles. But believe…
Hey writers and other creative types, do you need an emotional and very supportive kick-in-the-pants? I highly recommend Breakthrough: How to Overcome Doubt, Fear, and Resistance to Be Your Ultimate Creative Self by Todd Mitchell. Mitchell, who lives in Fort Collins and directs the Beginning Creative Writing Teaching Program at Colorado State University, knows the…
Writers: Focus Your New Year’s Resolutions on You, Not Your Wordcount
Every January, many writers—including me—list their writing resolutions for the New Year. These goals often focus on publication and productivity, such as: “Submit my completed novel to 15 agents.” “Write 3 short stories.” “Enter 2 speculative fiction contests.” “Write a new blog post twice a month.” “Finish the first draft of my new novel about…