A friend of mine says he hasn’t written hardly anything since the pandemic hit. He’s always written in coffee shops. Now that he’s stuck at home, the words don’t flow. He says it’s too quiet at home. Or maybe it’s simply that home is not his writing home. My writing home is my office. Which…
Category: Blog
“Action, Mark!”
I have a walkie-talkie by the gearshift in my VW Passat. I hear the command: “Roll sound.” And the reply: “Rolling sound.” More whispering—all the directions are being given inside the café a half-block away, where the scene is being filmed. “Roll Camera” in a quiet whisper. Wait, wait … An assistant director stands outside…
The Party’s Over…
The Colorado Writers Collaborative, the virtual Writers Conference that took the place of Colorado Gold, the Pikes Peak Writers Conference, and the Northern Colorado Writers Conference, is over. From all reports, it was an unqualified success. I know I enjoyed watching many of the online workshops, and hearing from lots of new and different presenters…
Brighten your day!
Fires, politics, spikes in the COVID-19 outbreaks, gloomy news. What’s an author to do to escape the emotional storm clouds and enter the comforting cocoon of creativity? Nature’s good for the soul and the psyche, but with the onset of winter weather, opportunities to hike, leaf-peep, walk, or bicycle will soon vanish. Travel? Not for…
What If?
The two most powerful words in the writer’s toolbox have got to be “What If…?” What if the world we live in is simply a computer simulation- (The Matrix) What if people can travel through time but can’t control it- (The Time Traveler’s Wife) What if robots developed into sentient beings- (Ex-Machina) What if Romeo…