RMFW: Welcome to the RMFW blog, Chuck! And thank you so much for donating your time and talent to update the logo for Rocky Mountain Fictions Writers. The new logo has been really well-received by our members. Tell us a little bit about yourself. How long have you been in graphic design? Chuck: I have…
Category: Blog
The Road to Publication, Part 3 – Revision, Revision, Revision
I just finished the fourth major revision of my WIP (Work In Progress). Before I went into this version of the book, I read some of the craft books by my virtual mentor, James Scott Bell. He writes great thrillers, but also some fantastic books on the craft of writing. His writing style is light…
Corona Virus Blues
My Maxine calendar today was: “I need a new house. This one’s out of toilet paper.” It should have read, “I need a new store. This one is out of toilet paper.” Because, in case you didn’t know it, people are hoarding toilet paper. One person was trying to sell a 12 pack on Amazon…
Fear not!
Some thoughts on fiction and life “These are the times that try men’s souls.” … Thomas Paine, December 23, 1776 This is the first sentence of Paine’s essay urging retaliation against Britain’s control over the colonies. Now, over two centuries later, both men and women must grapple with the aggressive Coronavirus pandemic. Fear. It can…
How to Get Great Blurbs
Okay, maybe Oprah won’t welcome you with open arms onto the pages of her magazine, but you’ll still want endorsements from influencers before your book hits the shelves. BookBub and others have shown book descriptions featuring blurbs by reputable authors receive 30% higher click rates on selling platforms, so it’s a definite plus, particularly for…