Many of us have freshly NaNoWriMo novels burning a hole in our computer. THIS will be THE NOVEL. The ONE that makes all your publishing dreams come true. So why not share our precious with the publishing world? What’s the worst thing that could happen? Embarrassment. Ridicule. A sudden onset of turrets (Yes, you will…
Category: General Interest
The RMFW Spotlight is on Sheri Duff-Merz, Programs Chair
1. Welcome, Sheri! Tell us what you do for RMFW and why you are involved. I’m the Programs Chair for RMFW. I have been a member since 2011 and last year I felt it was time to give back to the organization. I answered an email when Mark Stevens was looking for someone to take…
A Character By Any Other Name…
Usually, the names of my characters simply come to me, along with their physical characteristics. I always know how they look, because long before I have any idea of the plot, I visualize at least one scene with the main characters. It may be the first scene, or it may one that happens later in…
I struggle most with writing when my head isn’t in the right place. What is the right place? For each person it’s different. For me, it’s when I feel good physically and when I feel good about myself, emotionally. Physically, it’s just hard to write when you’re not feeling well, when you’re coughing or blowing…
This Podcast is Your Podcast
This is a simple note of thanks – it’s the season – for the podcast support to date. Guests, thanks for participating. Listeners, thanks for your patience. (I know the audio has not been NPR-perfect.) To one guest in particular (I’m looking at you, Ken Kirchner) thanks for re-recording the entire episode when the recorder…