It’s a busy time for me as I gear up for the release of my sequel STRANGE SKIES at the end of April. I’m writing a slew of guest posts and doing interviews for my blog tour, planning the launch at my favorite local indie bookstore, Tattered Cover, and trying to manage the various giveaways…
Category: General Interest
Writing Undercover … by Tina Ann Forkner
Recently I was cleaning out some electronic files and noticed an old draft of a novel I’d abandoned in favor of another manuscript. My hand hovered over the delete key. I was about to send it to the trash bin when I decided to give it a quick read. I’m glad I did. The draft…
By Aaron Ritchey I have become like Kurtz in the Congo. I have gone native. I am living in a hut, out in the jungle, and I’m writing books that don’t have the approval of the British elite in London. The horror! The horror! But do you know what? It’s awesome and scary and nerve-wracking…
Dancing About Architecture
By Colleen Oakes “Writing about music is like dancing about architecture.” Having the right music while I’m writing is of the utmost importance. In so many ways, it elevates the craft of writing, and it stimulates my brain in a way that nothing else can. Except for maybe, you know, writing. When I wrote Elly…
Never Let Them See You Sweat: Hot Chicks in Leather
By J.A. (Julie) Kazimer According to The Wall Street Journal (my go to for all bookie news. No, really. I only look at the pictures), “On the average, a book store browser spends eight seconds looking at the front cover and 15 seconds looking at the back cover.” What does that mean for an author? …