As a new author in the midst of my very first publishing contract, I very much feel like I am flapping in the wind. If you’ve landed on this blog, chances are you know what I’m talking about. While I claim to be a full-time writer, oftentimes I go a week or two without producing…
Category: General Interest
Meet the IWOTY Finalist: Corinne O’Flynn
For all that is good and holy in the world, what possessed you to become an author? As if any of us have a choice… How did you conceive the idea for your latest novel? My paranormal mystery novel GHOSTS OF WITCHES PAST was inspired by a mansion that I stumbled upon while taking a…
Nobody Here But Us Chickens
There’s a lot of noise around a chicken coop. Chickens aren’t quiet birds, especially in groups. Sometimes they squabble among themselves. That’s where we get the phrase “pecking order,” because people – like chickens – like to know who’s better than whom. Ideally the “me” wants to be positioned above the “you.” Some might argue…
Writing Great Villains
Let’s talk about villains for a moment, shall we? I LOVE a good villain. Someone who makes your skin crawl. Someone whose presence in the lives of the protagonist and her friends alternately infuriates and scares you. Someone who is a legitimate threat to your protagonist. But how do you create this? How do you…
Writing Romance: The Climax
Hello, Campers, and welcome to Act III. Last month we covered the Crisis in our romance. Headed into Act III, most likely your hero and heroine have gone their separate ways. Broken up. Finit! Sigh. But we all know where this is going. That’s why we’re still reading. The Dark Moment has done its duty,…