Back in the dark ages when I took physics, I learned about the six simple machines. When dealing with marketing, I find the lever makes a good analogy. It increases the force applied by a given amount of effort. Rephrased: You don’t have to work as hard to get the same result. Call me lazy,…
Category: General Interest
Thrillers, Part 1 of 4
In my four-part blog series on the Thriller genre, I’m going to discuss the core nature of the thriller and what sets it apart from other forms of fiction. In three future segments, I plan to discuss the hero(es), the villain(s) and plotting and pacing. My intent is to offer some insights to fellow thriller-writers…
Colorado Gold 2017: Some Practical Information
More Questions? Join our FACEBOOK GROUP for Conference attendees! Conference is almost here! In addition to the previous conference day-by-day walk-through info post, here is some practical information to help you get organized: Parking: Parking is free at the hotel for conference attendees. Yay! You’ll need to validate your parking ticket at the front desk before…
How to Avoid the Dangerous Trap of the “Perfect Writing Life”
We all have that one dream in our heads. You know the one. It’s the dream of the perfect writing life, the one where you don’t have a day job or a house to clean or a car to fix or errands to run. Instead, you have hours of empty time you can fill as…
Power-charge your blurb with hooks
As we prepare for this year’s RMFW conference, I’m guessing that many of you are tearing your hair out, trying to write good blurbs or condensing your 100,000-word novel into a short, captivating sentence worthy of the so-called “elevator pitch.” I’m going to expand on a blog by my fellow RMFW blogger, Mary Gilgannon. She…