I just realized that the Colorado Gold conference is less than a month away, and I did a little happy dance right in the middle of my kitchen.
This is, unreservedly, my favorite conference, the only no brainer when I sit down to plan my conference going schedule for the year. Okay, who am I kidding? I never really sit down and plan a year worth of everything. But it’s true that I don’t have to even think about whether I’ll be heading to Colorado in September.
What makes this conference so special?
I’m glad you asked.
Part of the awesome is the great workshops, the pitch appointments, the pitch coaching, the fabulous keynote speakers, and the always top notch organization and programming. And these are all wonderful reasons to attend. But what really sets Colorado Gold apart is the group of writers who come here.
This is the warmest, friendliest, most accessible conference I have ever been to. From the very first day of my very first time, I felt welcome, comfortable, and like I belonged. If you, like me, always feel a bit out of sync with the rest of the world, then you know how incredibly wonderful it is to find somebody you click with. And when you find a whole group of people who get you?
It seems I’m not the only one who feels this way. I asked my writer friends on Facebook who are Colorado Gold regulars what they love about this conference, and here’s what some of them had to say:

Colorado Gold is the perfect size: big enough to invite quality teachers and speakers, and small enough to prevent first timers from getting lost. There are hosted tables at the group dinners, which facilitate making connections and new friends. Usually there’s a hospitality room set aside where we can hang out and have a few drinks in the evening. And yes, there is always the bar.
So if you’ve never been, consider making this your con this year. It’s not too late to register. When you get there, be sure to find me and say hi.
I’ve been to other conferences, and I agree, Gold is by far the most inviting and inclusive that I’ve been to. No matter where you’re standing or what you’re doing, you can start a conversation with the person next to you and feel like you’ve known them for ages because we all have so much in common. AND introverts rule!
I feel exactly the same way you do about Colorado Gold. Best conference and best people anywhere!! I also love that it has something for everyone on the education front – it doesn’t matter whether you’re multi-published, never published, traditional or self-published, there are classes and peers aplenty.