Obviously, the researchers never caught me attempting to sew.
On the other hand, I was told, “people who like math are good with computers.” Ha! If I could cut and paste the elementary way, well no problem. But there are buttons on this “New Blog” home page that don’t work for me. I keep clicking on up and down arrows expecting some grand wizard to show me direction, a button of a different color. Alas, all that happens is the non-working addition, (because of course there’s no plug-in) moves to a different location in the list. I checked the plug—it’s in the wall.
Yesterday I almost hired the forth grader that lives next to me to complete my grand vision of a blog post. But noooo. He was busy doing homework. After venting to the blog editor, I watched a Scooby Doo cartoon, felt much better and deleted the first, (or was that the fifth draft), and began again.
You know those little + to add something to a post? I have them show up at the strangest places when I want to preview. Can’t seem to delete them. Nor can I see the cursor. What? Does that mean my maximized SEO value is lessened? I hope not because sometime I struggle with self-esteem.
On one of my several breaks from “optimizing” this blog on the RMFW.org site, I read an article that indicated blogs with photos increased traffic. (Flowers are big now.) I live on an already crowded road, and debated for some time. At last, I uploaded many photos to the Media Library and inserted them all over the (former) blog. Looked fantastic! Until I clicked on Preview only to find my blog would take up at least half of the front page of the RMFW.org website. Now I realize that I hadn’t messed up as much as I thought I did, but I’d already deleted the old post. Don’t get me started on “Featured Image.”
A book is the only place in which you can examine a fragile thought without breaking it. – Edward P. Morgan Photo by: Jerry Tovo “How vain it is to sit down to write when you have not stood up to live.” -Henry David Thoreau Photo by: Jerry Tovo
I figured, what the heck and clicked on something and took a chance on creating my own gallery. What do ya know? I’m getting the hang of–not snapping, not pushing, not picking–but clicking. And I still like math.