On the day we celebrate our independence from tyranny, I’d like to discuss some books that remind us why, with all her flaws, the United States of America is, in my opinion, the most successful political experiment in the history of mankind. The following books remind us of the lofty and noble ideals upon which our country was founded and which will continue to keep us safe, prosperous, and most of all free!
More stirring documents have not been written:
The Declaration of Independence
Direct from the pens of our Founding Fathers:
The Federalist Papers
An inspiring example of how Americans can learn and heal from past mistakes, even of the most grievous kind:
A Testament of Hope: The Essential Writings and Speeches of Martin Luther King Jr.
The perfect allegory for the economics from which our country grew to be the most prosperous state in history:
Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand
And finally, for the kids:
The Incredible Adventures of Rush Revere
Excellent comments and suggestions.
To the point…well done.
Despite the disdain so many in academia heap on Rand, if you think of it
as a cautionary tale from a Russian who actually lived under the
“great socialist experiment” that was CCCP/USSR, then her
warnings have more teeth than the classroom-pap-of-the-theoretical.
Happy Summer